Good Shepherd Learning Center
Who we are…
The Good Shepherd Learning Center has been a leader in early childhood education in the Greater Lafayette area for over twenty-five years. Your children will have the opportunity to learn in a safe and caring environment.
Our Classes
Pre-School— $70/Month
3-5 Year Olds
Tuesday & Thursday
Pre-Kindergarten— $90/Month
4-5 Year Olds
Monday, Wednesday, & Friday
Clicking here will direct you to our GSLC Handbook
Good Shepherd Learning Center Events Calendar
September 2024
3rd First Day of School, Mixed Age Class
4th First Day of School, Pre K Class
October 2024
21st Fall Break
22nd Fall Break
November 2024
27th-29th - Thanksgiving Vacation
December 2024
11th GSLC Christmas Program (Both Classes) 6:30pm
23rd - Christmas Break Begins
January 2025
6th School Resumes - Mixed Age
7th School Resumes - Pre K
20th - Martin Luther King Day - Holiday - No School
February 2025
17th - Presidents Day - No School
March 2025
24th-31st - Spring Break - No School
April 2025
1st School Resumes (Mixed Age)
18th Good Friday - No School
May 2025
17th Worship at Columbian Park & Picnic - 11am
GSLC Families Invited - Students will sing in the service
21st- Pre K Graduation Night - 6:30pm
22nd - School Year Ends for Mixed Age
23rd - School Year Ends for Pre K
Tricia Roller
Lee Anna Atwell
Laura Haro
Cristina Nunez
Our Goals
We will foster an awareness of:
* God as Creator
* Jesus as God's Son
* Christian values
The children will be introduced to:
* following directions to complete a task
* reading readiness activities
* math readiness activities
* language development activities
* enrichment units
* focusing attention to the task at hand
* Zoophonics
* exploring the use of a variety of materials
An atmosphere will be provided which stimulates:
* positive self-esteem
* appropriate emotional responses
* respect for the rights of others
* willing participation in group and/or individual activities
We will create an environment conducive to:
* sharing with others
* cooperating with others
* being a good follower as well as leader
* positive interaction with others
* being a willing classroom helper
We will encourage the development of coordination through:
* increased control of fine motor skills and hand-eye
* providing activities to improve gross motor skills
* strengthening self-help skills
A reward system is used to encourage appropriate behavior. Poor behavior will result in the following actions being taken:
1. Supervised time out
2. Note sent to the parents/guardians
3. Parents called at work/home.
1. The teaching staff will not use, nor permit any person to use, corporal punishment or any methods considered cruel, harsh, humiliating, frightening or unusual.
2. Children will not be subjected to abusive and/or profane language.
3. Punishment will not be associated with food, rest or restroom breaks.
We do not accept students who are not independently potty trained. That means each student has to be able to go to the bathroom on their own without any help from staff.